DigiKey Receives ISO 27001 Certification, Adding To Robust Information Security Program

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DigiKey, a leading global commerce distributor offering the largest selection of technical components and automation products in stock for immediate shipment, announced today it has added ISO 27001 certification to its robust data security program. With this certification, the company builds upon its commitment and ability to manage information securely and safely for its customers, suppliers and partners.

ISO 27001 is the international industry standard for information security management systems. It assures customers, suppliers and employees of DigiKey’s commitment to safeguarding information following industry best practices.

“ISO 27001 certification promotes a holistic approach to information security and is a tool for risk management, cyber-resilience and operational excellence,” said Ramesh Babu, chief information officer at DigiKey. “This approach helps DigiKey become risk- aware and proactively identify and address weaknesses to meet the challenges of cyber-crime while protecting our customers, employees and partners.”

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The ISO 27001 certification is a foundational standard that helps DigiKey to prepare for and obtain other certifications as needed and demonstrates that the company’s programs are independently audited and align with the standard.

In addition to ISO 27001 certification, DigiKey’s information security program offers customers and suppliers access to other robust tools such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) to protect accounts from fraud and unauthorized access.

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